My Approach

I work with the body, mind & spirit in a balanced way that ensures you are working towards your purpose in a sustainable, embodied way.

I honour the deep inner wisdom that resides in you and always work in collaboration to meet you exactly where you are at on the journey in any given moment.

I always work towards a win win win that benefits more than just the individual parts but the sum of all of the parts that creates wholeness.

I work with deep gratitude, compassion and integrity.

I combine Science and Spiritual practices and hold space that allow true transfomation to unfold.

Hi I’m Jess,

Nice to meet you!

I’m a Soul Purpose Facilitator


A modern day mystic with a big heart.  

I know what it feels like;

When you know deep down you are here for a reason but don’t know what that reason is or where to find it.

You have everything that looks good on paper, the career, the houses, the money, the relationship and still feel like something is missing.

To dream of something better and be scared. To worry I’m not good enough to make it happen or even that I actually do!

To experience something holding you back but you don’t know what.

To have that deep burning desire to develop your spiritual gifts but at the same time doubt if it is really possible for you. Wondering if it is something reserved for those special few.

I know what it is like to put all your time, energy and effort into looking after other people that you have very little left for yourself.


I also know;

When you balance your Body, Mind & Spirit and live aligned to your purpose magic is possible. 

How do I know this? Because I experience this magic every day and so can you.

You are absolutely more than good enough to make your dreams come true, because that’s why you have them!

It is your soul speaking to you. Begging you to find your purpose.

It is why you are here.

It is what the world is waiting for!

My Story

My journey so far is one that has taken me to some unusual places. I have searched relentlessly for meaning in this world, determined to find that thing that I know deep down in my soul that I am here for.

After completing a science degree, and feeling unsatisfied with the approach that psychology was taking at the time of my studies, I became a geologist during one of the biggest mining booms this country has seen.

In my twenties I was working in outback Australia, making multi million dollar decisions, involved with a very successful team and had a bright career ahead of me. On the outside it looked like I had it all.

I worked in emergency services in the mines where I led teams predominantly made up of males. My duties included things like abseiling down the side of towers, fighting fires, cutting up cars and catching venomous snakes.

I have been a trainer, flying to work on the oil platforms in a chopper in the middle of the ocean to facilitate emergency response drills.

Then I turned 30 and had a gap year. You see I always wanted to travel solo around the world but I was too scared. I blamed everyone else, until I realised one day that what was even more scary was getting to the end of my life and having never done it and I was the only one that could make it happen. 

I lived in Ireland and stood in the summer rain with groups of kids with special needs or corporate teams, coordinating adventure and team building activities.

I have worked as a receptionist, property manager, uniform fitter, in hospitality, admin, and even cleaned rooms on Australia’s best known tropical islands.

I enjoyed many of these jobs. Some paid very well, and I had many opportunities to climb the corporate ladder. But I still felt a huge gap in my life. Something was missing and I didn’t know what. I was mindlessly going through the motions of life, feeling frustrated, anxious, not good enough and certainly not doing what I was born to do.

It wasn’t until I started developing myself spiritually and listening to the whispers of my soul that I could understand my true purpose. I have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars learning the best ways to do this.  

Then I got sick with chronic fatigue syndrome. I wasn’t able to get out of the house for months. I couldn’t cook, I couldn’t clean, on a good day I could crawl into the living room for a change of scenery. I was able to apply all the learnings and wisdom to my own life and heal myself so I am back travelling around the world again with my beautiful partner. 

I am so excited to be able to share these treasures with you to fast track the process and witness your life transform as you too find your soul purpose and gain the confidence to follow it. 

Imagine a world where everyone was living aligned to their souls’ purpose. Where everyone experienced inner peace and operated from a place of love and abundance.

I love to travel and explore the world. You can follow along with my adventures on my Facebook Page or Instagram. 

There may be times when I am on retreat or our of recpetion. 

Training & Qualifications

Bachelor in Science from Monash University

Graduate diploma in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing

Advanced diploma in Life Coaching

Trainer and Assessor and is an Experienced Facilitator

Certified Strengths Specialist

Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies Practitioner

Movement Shiatsu

Post graduate shiatsu studies Touching the Heart of the Nervous System

Master practitioner in hypnosis, NLP, matrix therapies and Reiki

Transforming Touch® Therapist

Mental Health First Aid

First Aid and CPR

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills

Prehospital care

Multiple courses from the Public Safety Package

Past Life Regression with Brian Weiss

Professional spiritual development with world leading mediums


Check out the Interviews I did with the ABC discussing topics such as mindfulness & meditation, random acts of kindness, fostering positive relationships and practising gratitude.