The truth is that there are many ways to get in touch with your soul and tap into the wisdom and power of the universe. When we start to judge how someone else is able to tap into this wisdom available to them, or what that looks like, then spirituality begins to become more like a religion, dictating the path that you must follow to get there.
Some people may not even believe in the divine wisdom, god or a greater being, and yet they may tap into the wisdom of the universe as they work aligned to their Soul Purpose in their scientific lab creating new ways to help us evolve, unknowingly collaborating with the universe.
One of my main spiritual practices is coaching. When I am present in a coaching session it is an almost instant shift. My state changes to almost like I was in the deepest of meditations, acutely alert and curious, collaborating with the universe to serve the person in front of me. There is a completely different energy available to me that allows me to surrender and be guided to the areas that need to be explored. I’m always amazed at the insights and guidance I receive to be able to create the space for another human to have incredible transformations.

Honestly, sometimes when people come to me with problems, and I am not in a session, I revert back to the human state and get caught up in their story. When this happens, I’m not being able to offer half the insight or wisdom I do in a session. Sometimes, I can let that human critic take over and tell myself I am not good at solving other people’s problems and I can fall into the trap of believing I’m not a good coach. Solving other people’s problems, in fact is not what coaching is anyhow, coaching is actually allowing the space and using the tools to allow the client to solve their own problem. It would be a damn shame if I listened to that human critic, who is actually not even right. So many people would lose out not having access to my gift.
During my coaching sessions I am practising my spirituality by tapping into my Soul’s Purpose and being guided how to best serve my client. Allowing this to be a spiritual practice, I gain access to incredible wisdom and power available to me to facilitate a transformation if the client is ready to accept it.
When you start to really understand what it means to be a spiritual being, then it becomes hard to convey this meaning using the human language as the very act of articulating it reduces the meaning behind it. If you want to understand more about this then read my blog post you are more than a label you are limitless.