Automatic writing is not – holding the pen while your hand begins to move by itself like magic. Contrary to what some people have told me they thought it was. No, automatic writing is a way of channelling information from your higher self or your soul.
If you have never tried it, then Here is What You Need To Do…
1. Set yourself up in a place where you will not be disturbed.
I like to set the ambience of the room too if I can (obviously not possible if I am doing this outside in nature). I will often light a candle or turn on my salt lamp.
2. Meditate or take a few breaths.
If you are a meditator, then I like to start with a short meditation; although this is not necessary.
3. Set your intention for the session.
What information are you hoping to find out? Sometimes, I like to ask for what would be helpful for me to know and see what comes, with no expectations.
4. Let go of the intention and control and just begin to write.
It’s ok if it starts off clunky; just write about anything and see where it takes you.
Automatic Writing Challenges You May Face…
There are a few challenges I found when I started automatic writing.
The first one is – the need for control. I would often get a word at a time and I wanted to know more so that I could see if it made any sense.I would have the temptation to read back what I had written to see if what I was saying next made any sense.
My guides would make fun of me for doing this, but even now there is a strong temptation to read back what I have written while it is still flowing from me.
The thing that really helps with this is meditation. Meditation increases your ability to be aware, so you catch yourself focused on the past or future and then bring your awareness back to the present moment.
The second one is – the need to be right. Sometimes I would get scared that I would be wrong, that the information would be incorrect.
This would paralyse me, not wanting to be wrong. It somehow made me feel like I was being dishonest. Like I was believing in something that was a lie.
If this is you, then know, this is only your fear talking. There is no actual right or wrong thing to say, there is no judgement, there is only the energy you put out.
It is true, that with time, your writing may evolve. If you were to read back over some old pieces, you may find them inaccurate or unsophisticated. However, I can grantee that in that exact moment you wrote it, then it was right for you. The message, thought or truth got you where you needed to be and to know what you needed to know.
The last thing that challenged me – was that things would come up that had happened that day or the previous few days. I would then tell myself this is all nonsense. That it is just because it is fresh in my mind that it came up.
The thing is that the universe is trying to communicate with us – all of the time. One way it does this is through symbols and images that we recognise. It makes perfect sense that we are picking up things that we have noticed in the past few days. They were the clues that perhaps we missed.

The Benefits…
There are many benefits to writing and journaling, which is the reason it is often used in therapies as a way of putting structure around your thoughts. The difference with automatic writing is that you let go of the structure, grammar and punctuation. Automatic writing is very much a right brain activity. The part of the brain responsible for creation.
Automatic writing allows your soul, your higher self to speak to you and give you guidance that in your busy everyday life probably gets drowned out.
Connecting with Your Guides…
Another cool thing about automatic writing is that you can set your intention for your guides to be able to answer the question for you. My suggestion is that you set the intention of your higher Self first, and then when you are practiced, see what happens when you set the intention for your guides to answer the question. What can you notice that is different?
You will know that it is your guides writing when the language changes to language that you would not normally use. If you are writing by hand you may see a shift in the writing style. You may also feel a shift in energy. It is almost like you are there as an observer. When you can hold this space, then wonderful information comes pouring through you. If you are not able to get into this space straight away, then keep practising! It can take time to develop this skill.
We all have the ability to tap into the wisdom of the universe and like everything in life we all have our own unique skills and talents to be able to do this. You may access your information much easier in other ways. For example, some people who cannot sit still then this practice may not be for them. They will probably receive insight as they run, or dance, or move. That’s why it is always good to try new techniques as well as work the muscles to develop these new skills (well actually they are not knew skills they are skills that we may not have had the awareness and development of previously.)
Information Received…
All the messages that come out from your higher self and your guides will be loving, kind information. If the message you are receiving is anything other then that, then you have tapped into your own fear and the need for control. If you notice this has happened. Take a few breaths and re-set your intention. Then start automatic writing again. If you are still not getting anywhere, you may like to cleanse the area with some incense or sage and set the intention that you will only receive messages from beings of the highest good.
There are also times when the information is not ready to be received. If this is the case, you need to accept this truth and trust that it will come with divine timing. This does not mean that you should give up on the process of automatic writing. It is not about wanting the information and always getting what you want straight away.
That need of knowing is coming from your fear. Your higher Self and guides have the bigger picture and know far more than our mind can comprehend. If you are not getting the answer you are hoping for, then you will still be building that muscle, or that connection to the wisdom of the universe. Most importantly, you are learning to let go and trust, which will facilitate your spiritual progress.
I hope this information helps you and you give automatic writing a go. I hope that you make time to connect with the wisdom that is always available to you.

Thanks for such clarity in your categorised breakdown..simple and non pretentious..
Thank u for this authentic share..excited to begin to practice.
You are very welcome Soniya. I would love to hear how it goes for you! You can message me through facebook at Journey to a Better Place with Jess Baker or email me!