Regulating the nervous system

Do you know your birth story?
Do you know the experiences of your mother while you were in the womb or as a young child?
Did you have any medical interventions as a young child?
Do you have any possibility of transgenerational trauma?
Many people don’t think they have experienced developmental trauma and yet it is the unknown, deep rooted physiological foundations of their dis-ease.
Healing Happens Through Relationship
Transforming Touch® is an embodied nervous system therapy designed to heal developmental trauma through relationship and building regulation.
The Transforming Touch protocol is designed to build the somatic trust in the client that is needed to repair early ruptures in the nervous system and allow foundational healing.
After treatment when there is enough capacity built in the nervous system, primitive reflexes are then integrated. Any unintegrated reflexes cause the automatic responses that feel like the invisible forces holding you back and keeping you stuck.
Are you Familiar with Any of these Signs?
- Fear of failure
- Perfectionism
- Not feeling good enough
- Feeling stuck
- People Pleasing
- Fatigue
- Anxiety / Depression
- Frustration
- Hypersensitivities
- Worried about things in the physical world such as time, money & material objects
- Gut issues
- Sleeping difficulties
- Autoimmune diseases
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Eating disorders
- Attachment issues
How can Transforming
Touch® help you?
Having a regulated nervous system is essential for being able to live a life full of freedom, love, inner peace and the resilience required to live a life aligned to your soul purpose.
Transforming Touch® allows you to heal the invisible forces that you feel holding you back from going out there and making your dream life come true.
When you have a regulated nervous system more of your true essence is able to shine through you as you break free of the limiting patterns that keep your human, physical aspect safe, but which are really just holding you hostage.
You become more creative, have access to better problem solving skills and executive functions like focus, attention and decision making.
You have more energy to do the things that allow you to grow in the direction you want rather than feeling the constant exhaustion of people pleasing or doing the things you think you have to.
You are better able to respond with love rather than being caught in a cycle of fear that prevents you from taking the action your soul and the rest of the world is hoping you will.
Trauma is simply any event that overwhelms our nervous system in a perceived threat.
We may be conscious or unconscious to this threat.
Different events result in trauma for different people dependant on our ability to cope.
This is influenced by a number of factors.
When we are not able to complete the appropriate cycle of fight, flight or freeze response the trauma is stored in the body.
At a younger age we are less developed and have less tools to integrate our experiences and are more easily overwhelmed.
What is a Transforming Touch®
Session Like?
Transforming Touch is a one-on-one session that can either be done in person or online (Intentional Transforming Touch). The initial session includes a very thorough history and a holistic look at your life. It also includes a small amount of theory and a titrated amount of treatment to assess your nervous system’s reaction to the body work.
These sessions go for approximately 1 Hr in which time Co- regulation is built when different areas of the body are gently supported with therapeutic intention, touch or gentle movements. Typically you would be lying down on a table or seated in a chair for the duration of the session. You may notice some activation in the nervous system or movements in the body as tension is released.
Intentional Transforming Touch means that distance is no obstacle. These sessions are conducted through zoom and enable you to connect with me wherever you are in the world. It is ok to mix n’ match in person and online sessions if this is the option best suited to your needs.
How Many Transforming Touch®
Sessions Will I Need?
Transforming Touch® heals through relationship and somatic trust so it is difficult to answer the question of how many sessions you will need. Everyone is different and every person’s nervous system reacts differently.
Transforming Touch® Sessions are designed to rebuild the foundations of the nervous system and therefore typically require a longer term commitment to treatment.
Sessions are completed weekly or fortnightly and it may even take 4-6 sessions before you are aware of any changes occurring.
It is with this in mind that the cost of these sessions are kept as low as possible.
Initial Transforming Touch
90 Min
This initial session is done in person.
Inital Inentional Transforming Touch
90 Min
This initial session is done online.
Transforming Touch
60 Min
This subsequent session is done in person
Intentional Transforming Touch
60 Min
This subsequent session is done on line