Every morning, before I allow myself to get lost in the business of the day, I will make some time to move, to stretch, and time to meditate.

It’s not like I bound out of bed excited to do this, it does requires discipline. It requires me to shut off from the rest of the day until I cross this off my list. To just start no matter how bad my mind tries to trick me out of it. 


Not something that you would expect to hear from someone that meditates daily right?


This is what has driven me to share this with you. To let you know that you will probably never reach the stage where you are excited to meditate. Or that you will want to put meditation before everything else happening around you.


So, if it can be a constant battle just getting to the cushion, then why on earth would anyone want to fight that and make meditation apart of their daily routine?

I’ll tell you why I meditate everyday so hopefully you can begin to understand.  

Why I meditate every day:


Meditation Increases My Ability to Focus.

In a world with so much constant stimulus coming in, focus is begging to be a real challenge for many of us. Meditation teaches you how to really focus your energy into what you choose, rather than being swept away in the pandemic of shiny object syndrome. 

The focus results in me having the skills to really do those things in life that I dream of rather than getting distracted by the things that don’t add value to my big picture or getting caught up in someone else’s picture of me. 


Mindfulness and Meditation Increases My Self Awareness.

If you were to compare the self awareness of a child to an elderly person who has lived an adventurous life, gaining lots of life experience, the elderly person would have more resources to help them navigate life. By increasing our self awareness we are able to make better decisions aligned to our true self. 


Meditation Heightens My Senses.

Our senses are how we interact with the world and receive information. By increasing your senses, life becomes more vibrant and alive. It also helps you to receive information that you might otherwise not be aware of. When your senses are heightened, you begin to notice the miracles of life all around you — the smell of the flowers, the taste of the food the feeling of sunshine on your face.


Meditation Wrangles in My Inner Critic.

This is a big one for me. My inner critic is that voice that tells me I am not good enough.

When you get sucked into your thoughts, you begin to allow those thoughts to control your life. Your thoughts are the logic and reasoning that allows you to chunk large bits of generic information together so that you can move through life with decisions that are all designed to keep you safe. Your thoughts don’t always look at the accuracy of the information received, and therefore, cannot always be trusted.

Before I was meditating regularly, my thoughts were very good at keeping me safe by calculating what I was wanting to do and then telling me I wasn’t good enough to do it. The logic being, if I didn’t do it, then I would be safe. I would continue on doing things the same way as I had always done, which had proven to be safe.

Meditation quite down that inner critic and allows me to follow my heart.


Meditation Teaches Me to be ok with Sitting in Discomfort.

Meditation allows me to be more comfortable with the uncomfortable.

To know that this too shall pass, and that in this moment I am uncomfortable and that is ok.

When we spend our time running from things that make us uncomfortable, we allow the outside world to control our every move. When you are able to lean into the discomfort that is when you allow healing to occur and lessons to be learnt with less tension and resistance.


Meditation Teaches Me to be Present with People. 

Being able to remain present with people really builds powerful relationships.

I am able to listen actively in the moment rather than getting caught up in my own thoughts. I am able to bring more compassion and understanding to the relationship.

It helps me in those difficult relationships not to take anything too personally, but rather see the other person as someone that is hurting.

Relationships are such an important part of life; we all have them and all rely on them to navigate through this life successfully. When you are able to bring compassion and presence to the relationships in your life, then it makes life all that much easier. You create more allies and build a loving tribe.


Meditation Allows Me to Notice Thought Patterns. 

The thought patterns that no longer serve me and hold me back.

Through meditation, I have been able to change my relationship with practical things like exercise. Even more abstract things, like realising that “If I was sick, then I should not be well enough to be experiencing moments of joy”, which actually helps you to heal and should be something that we welcome in bucketloads.

Meditation Allows Me to Develop My Spirituality.  

Becoming more attuned to the subtle world and energy around and within me I have been able to deepen my spirituality.

This has allowed me to better hear my own intuition and guidance. It has allowed me to become a better healer, energy worker, reader and develop my mediumship skills to communicate with spirit.

If this is something that interests you even if you think you could never do it then meditation is a must. I would also look at joining my sacred circle where you can have a safe space to learn and practice these skills. 


So, you might not always be jumping out of your skin to get your butt onto that cushion, but as you build meditation into your daily routine it does become easier.

When you experience all the benefits that meditation brings to your life, it becomes something that you will absolutely fight to keep in your life and you make sure you get to  meditate regularly. 

If you want to experience the benefits of meditation too, make sure that you get your free ebook on How to Be a Successful Meditator.   


Love Jess Xx