It has been a journey for me to find my purpose and to have the confidence to follow it. What I have learnt from my own journey is what I want to share with you today.

I always said, that when I grow up, I want to be able to say that I had done all of these really cool things in my life. That I had worked in many different roles, from what some people would say is the bottom of the food chain, to the very top, to what some people would call, highly successful roles.

I am proud to say that I have achieved this. I have worked as a housekeeper on one of Australia’s best known tropical islands. In a uniform factory on the other side of the world in Ireland. Led teams crawling though freezing cold mud pits and scaling down tall buildings and structures by ropes. I have worked in hospitality, retail, real estate and even a psychic on the psychic hotline.

I worked as a project geologist in the middle of the outback in the biggest gold mines in the southern hemisphere. This job was in both open pit landscapes that resemble being on the moon and underground tunnels that leave you feeling like a mole popping its head up into the bright light of the sun as you finish your day. I have even flown to work on a chopper into the middle of the ocean facilitating emergency response drills and teaching people how to save lives on the oil rigs in the Bass Strait. I also know what it’s like to be too sick to work at all for a significant period of time.

Now, I am lucky enough to be able to work for myself, doing what I love, which is helping other people to spiritually evolve, to find their purpose. To help them heal the things that hold them back from living that purpose with confidence, so that they can bring their unique gifts into the world and to experience a more meaningful, fulfilled life. 

It has been a journey for me to find my purpose and to have the confidence to follow it. It has not always been a straightforward line but I have always learnt lessons along the way:

Here are 5 important lessons on the journey of finding your purpose & having the confidence to follow;

1.  I have learnt that you don’t need to be anyone else. You only have to be the incredible, unique person that you are. Don’t make yourself a certain shape to fit in someone else’s cookie cutter. Stay true to who you are and if you’re not even really sure who that is then your first job is to find out.

2. There are many different paths and many different people walking along those paths. We are all at different stages and it is best not to compare yourself to someone on another path or at another stage. If you must compare, look back and compare what you know now versus what you knew at the start of your journey.

3. You are the one that is responsible for walking the path. You can learn from the people further along the path (because there will always be someone ahead of you) and even guide those that are behind you. But you have to be the one to put one step in front of the other if you want to get anywhere on the journey.

4. There will be people that want to talk you into taking another path and at times you may even be the worst-case offender of this crime. There will be times that you convince yourself that another path should be better.

5. You can never see where the path will lead you. There are always twists and turns and opportunities along the way. If the path looks short and straight the chances are it won’t take you very far, or maybe it will….like the shortcuts that end up taking three times as long!

The last thing that I want to share with you is to keep going! Enjoy the journey in the valleys and the peaks, the twists and the turns and don’t be afraid to take the road less travelled.



Hand Written, Love Jess Xx