I wanted to share with you something that happened in one of my healing sessions today….

As a healer I know how important it is to continue on your own journey of evolution as you peel back the layers that hold you back. We are all here to learn and grow and evolve.

I know the healing work that I do is super powerful, not just because of the results that I see in my clients, but because I experience the results myself when I receive the same type of healing. Every week I do a swap with another incredible healer as we support each other in our continuous development spiritually, emotionally, and professionally. This week we have been working on integrating a primitive reflex known as fear paralysis.

This integration helps you to turn off the fight or flight response that so many of us are stuck in. For myself, which you may also relate to, I notice when I am deep in the fear response that I have very black and white thinking. I tell myself stories like, I must do this and I have to get this done. All to the exclusion of everything else. I have trouble seeing all the options around me.

This is a typical response when the survival part of the brain is activated. This response is designed to keep us safe in the physical world. You don’t have time to stop and smell the roses or watch the sun set when you are being chased by a pack of wild dogs…. or dingos. This was the case for me one day when I was working in the middle of the outback, years ago. But in this situation, I am not talking literally. It doesn’t have to really be a pack of dogs chasing you. It might be bills chasing you, or the boss at work, or drowning in the sea of to-dos.

One of the things that I was taught as a coach was to encourage people to see more options. Science shows that when we are not in a fear response, then we are able to see more options. If we are able to see more options, then this can lead us out of the fear response. However, in my own experience if I have too many options, this can lead to a feeling of overwhelm. This leaves me thinking of all the things that I have to get done on the never-ending list. Eventually, this line of thinking leads me back to drowning in the sea of to-dos.

Ideally, having somewhere to rest in the middle of these two places is like Goldilocks finding the baby bears porridge. It is JUST RIGHT.

In my healing session today, I received the insight that having options doesn’t mean that I have to do them all! They are simply invitations or little roads that all lead me to the same destination of manifesting my dreams and fulfilling my purpose. So now, instead of becoming so overwhelmed that I feel like I am spinning out of control, which eventually snaps me back into the black and white tunnel vision of fear response, I can have fun playing with the options. I can juggle the blue balls, the green balls, the red balls, mix them all up or I can put them all down.

The insight received in my own healing session empowers me to embody the Goldilocks position, to smell the roses and watch the sunset as I walk along my path of purpose. It truly is amazing what happens when we give ourselves the gift of healing.

If you would like to know more about the healing that I offer you can find more information on my website HERE or you can reach out and connect with me. I love to share what I know with anyone that is ready to listen.

May you be Happy

May you be Healthy

May you know Love


Hand Written, Love Jess Xx