Are you one of those people that feel the need to have all their ducks lined up in a row before doing something?

Does the perfectionist in you take over to tell you that you’re not ready? Or that you are not good enough to do what you want to do yet? Perhaps you are the Queen of procrastination!

These are super effective strategies for not getting anything done!

Thoughts and feelings like these leave you feeling stuck and frustrated.  That’s because you are stuck at a stand still physically not taking the action to move you forward and your soul is frustrated because it wants you to give it a go and learn and grow from each new experience. 

Life is not about the outcome. We don’t take our status, money or belongings with us when we leave this earth. Life is a process of learning and growing. Yes, it is going to get messy. Living the process will be challenging.  Once you accept this and allow the challenges and growth into your life rather than pushing them away then magic happens. 

I used to worry about what people would think, I had to be the best, I would try and live up to others expectations. In fact, I tried to not only to live up to other people’s expectations, even that was not good enough for me, I had to beat those expectations!

Well actually, it wasn’t their expectations at all. It was my own expectations, they didn’t really care either way. Once I realised that other people just don’t care that much, I was free to put myself out there more. It lifted the weight of the world off of my shoulders giving me permission to get out there and just be me. 

When I stopped trying to do or be what I thought other people wanted me to be and started to be me — that’s when the magic happened. It took so much pressure off me and I was able to have a little more fun rather than having to watch that I was doing. No longer thinking about what was ‘right’ all of the time. I was able to better serve the people in front of me trusting and knowing that they will get what they need from their world.

When you are able to let go and just be you, then you have the ability to be more present, to connect with the people around you. You have more space to allow wisdom to infuse through you.  

You will not gain confidence by getting all your ducks in a row in order to please unrealistic expectations. 

You gain confidence by tapping into that inner child that was ready and willing to give anything a go. The child that lived in the present moment without too much focus on the outcome. The child that was so comfortable being me that she didn’t waste a thought on how else she could be. 


You gain confidence from stepping through the discomfort and giving something a go. Taking the lessons that you learnt from giving something a go and then applying it to the next go and repeat this process. Before you know it you will be so naturally confident that you won’t even notice it happening as your focus will be on the process rather than the outcome. 

What discomfort can you step through and give a go, focusing purely on the lessons rather than the outcome?